In recent years, the notion of structured data which has been the backbone of library discovery systems for decades, was given a new lease of life with the release of a metadata schema called by Internet search engines Google, Yahoo, Yandex & Microsoft’s Bing. Complementing this is the use of knowledge bases comprising of entities to support consistency in indexing and linking of related data.
This course aims to provide an easy understanding of the principles of content description and how they can be applied to improve resource discovery. Based on library metadata creation and implementation including the creation of knowledge organisation systems such as taxonomies, the coverage will also include metadata use in other knowledge domains like museums and archives.
- Gain an overview of the standards and principles in Metadata applications
- Identify different type of Metadata and their uses
- Describe content resources effectively for discovery
The training is suitable for Librarians, Archivists, Cataloguers, Curators and all those who are responsible for knowledge organisations and management.